The Truth and Science Forum (TAS Forum) organized its annual Creation Tour to Sutherland, which featured various highlights.
The tour included visits to fossil sites, including newly discovered petrified dinosaur fossils at Rogge Cloof Private Nature Reserve.

The group also explored fossilized Bradysourus footprints near Fraserburg and a fossilized tree near Laingsburg.
Lectures and discussions on evidence of Noah’s Flood, dinosaurs, and the age of the Earth were interspersed with excursions.
One notable aspect was the stargazing session, allowing tour members to observe celestial wonders such as Saturn with its rings, Jupiter and its moons, Herschel’s “Jewel Box” (a colorful star cluster), the Magellanic Clouds, and the Coalsack, the nearest dark nebula.
The captivating experience provided participants with insights into both Earth’s ancient history and the wonders of the universe.

The TAS Forum, comprised of individuals like Mr. Basson (author of “Evolution: Science or Faith”), Stephan Joubert, Rudie Pretorius, and Emile du Plessis, is available for presentations nationwide on topics related to the Genesis flood, creation, and the dangers of evolution.
For inquiries about future tours, interested individuals can contact TAS.